How I thought I would parent Vs How I actually parent

Hi, and thank you for hopping over from life with baby kicks and welcome to my post for the tenth day of #12daysofparenting.
 We have many prizes to giveaway! 

Full details can be found on the #12daysofparenting page.
Today's sponsor is :Gumigem who have offered a bubbabag.

Like I'm sure most of you did, I  always had an idea in my head what I would be like as a parent when the time came, before I was even pregnant with Blake. 

The things I would do such as breastfeeding, cloth nappies, baby wearing etc. But of course how I thought I would parent vs how I actually parent is completely different.

So here is a fun post on how I thought I would parent vs how i actually parent. 

Please can I just say that I know a lot of people are going to have mixed views on my parenting techniques but any negative comments will be deleted. 

How I thought I would parent: 

- I would breastfeed my child til approx one year of age
- I would use a sling and carry my child around regularly
- I would use cloth nappies 
- I would have strict routines
- I would plan fun activities to do every day 
- I wouldn't co-sleep 
 - I would puree food when it came to weaning

How I actually parent: 

- I ended up mix feeding to begin with then after four weeks went on to formula feeding due to having issues with breastfeeding. No one told me how hard breastfeeding would actually be. Il

- Blake hated being in a sling. We tried various ones and he just hated it.

- I use cloth nappies but not all time. I do use disposables but try and use cloth most of the time.

- We don't have strict routines I am more laid 
back than I thought I would be as a mum.He was routines such as bed time and lunch time but most of the time if he ends up napping longer  and lunch is a little later than its fine. 

- I don't do near enough as many activities with Blake that I thought I would. I go out to baby and toddler groups once or twice a week and go for walks but at home we really only play with his toys, read books and watch a bit of TV.

- I don't co-sleep its one thing I don't agreeon due to the safety aspect. But of course that's really up to you on if you do so.

- We did baby led weaning as Blake didn't take to purees at all.

Our Christmas code word is Trimmings
For more on How I thought I would parent vs How I actually parent
 please hop on over to lady bug home
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