October is here and the last month has really flown by. Spur of the moment I have decided to do No Spend October. I really do need to cut down on my spending, so I thought by taking part in No Spend October this will really give me a kick start in curbing my spending.
The rules are pretty simple from the first of October to the 1st of November no spending on things that aren't essential. All bills and personal bills such as my phone, insurance and Netflix are covered for.
I have also going to be accounting for special circumstances these are:
- My slimming world countdown ends on the 26th so I will be buying a new one
- I'll allow myself to buy chocolate/Hifi bars occasionally as I can't completely go without them.
- Travel costs only if visiting my family
- Blake's friend's birthday gift
- If Blake needs anything for Pre-School.
So what will I be cutting out:
- Takeaways/eating out
- Drinks when out and about
- Alcohol
- Clothes
- Toys
- Lottery/scratch cards
- Entertainment (movies, books, day trips etc)
- Cosmetics
-Home Decor
- Bus fairs
- Anything else non essential you can think of.
I'll be making sure there are no shopping trips or online spending this includes no charity shops, ebay, facebook selling pages, no amazon (eek) no matter how much of a bargain something is.
I'll share with you if I cave in and buy something I shouldn't and I'll also be sharing with you some of my ideas on things we have done. Here are some ideas below on how I am going to manage during the month.
1. When going out take my own drink with me
2. Eat before going out/take a packed lunch
3. Batch cook lunches (I'm going to make soups and pastas)
4. Use up what we have: Food, cosmetics, toiletries, cleaning products
5. Don't go into any shops other than supermarkets for a month
6. Go to supermarket with a shopping list and stick to it
7. Read books I own but haven't yet read
8. If I do run out of books to read I can borrow from the library instead of buying.
9. watch movies that we already have or are on netflix
10. Remove the amazon app from my phone/tablet
11. Find free days out and ideas of things to do with Blake that don't cost anything
12. Walk rather than get the local bus
I know its not going to be easy especially with half term coming up at the end of the month and with Halloween around the corner too.
I'd love to know if you will be joining in or if you have any tips or ideas for the month ahead for me.