Showing posts with label mumlife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mumlife. Show all posts

5 Essential Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

*This is a collaborative post

We live in a busy, and rapidly moving world, and this can make getting a good night's sleep a challenge. The demands of both our careers and family responsibilities can leave us tossing and turning at night, preventing us from finding the restful sleep that is so important to our overall well being. 

Luckily, there are some simple changes that you can make to your routine and environment that can make it easier to get the quality sleep that you deserve. 

So, if you’re looking to sleep better each night, here are just five fantastic tips to help you get started!

1) Work on Your Sleep Schedule

Setting your sleep schedule can make all the difference for ensuring that you get enough sleep to leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

Our bodies operate on a natural clock that helps to determine our waking and sleeping hours. While setting your internal clock can take time, it can be achieved by consistently getting up and going to bed at the same time each day — even on weekends!

On average we need 7-9 hours a night, so figure out what time you need to get up in the morning, and use this to work out your bedtime. 


 Happy New Year! So 2024 is here and I've sat and  planned my list of personal goals/resolutions for the year ahead. I enjoy goal setting and I like to set achievable goals that challenge me and help with my personal development. 

Below I'm sharing these personal goals and I'm hoping they will also inspire you to set your own goals or even just give you something to think about.

Move for Mind
I've signed up for Move for Mind this year where I'll be raising money and awareness for better mental health by completing 31 minutes of activity a day for the 31 days of January. 


* I was  gifted the jackets featured for the purpose of this post. All views and opinions are 100% my own.

With Autumn in full swing, the change of weather has definitely been more noticeable. So what a better time to share my women's autumn jacket picks for 2023. We love spending time outdoors as a family and keeping warm and dry is a must this time of year. There are many different autumn jacket styles to choose from for the new season and so I'm sharing with you three different styles from Lands'end that are also available for plus size women.

 As a plus size women I personally can find it tricky to find jackets/coats that fit me well with space to wear a cosy jumper underneath. Then I came across Lands'end which I am happy to report fit comfortably without me needing to size up.


Who doesn't want beautiful hair? I don't know about you but having beautiful hair makes me feel more confident. Taking care of your hair by using the right products for your hair type isn't the only way to keep your hair looking beautiful. Having beautiful hair can be a challenge but it is worth it. 

In this post I'm going to share with you what you need to know to have beautiful hair. Following this advice and sticking to it is what will help you to maintain having beautiful hair.

Know your hair type
Knowing your hair type is an important step to having beautiful hair. Your hair can change over time, for example when you're pregnant. My hair has always been fine thanks to medical conditions I have that causes my hair to be not just be fine but brittle too. Knowing your hair type means that you can choose the best products and treatments for your hair.

How do my lifestyle choices affect my fertility?

*This is a collaborative post

Over time, research has shown that many lifestyle factors such as eating, how will you sleep, where you live and other behaviours have a very big effect on health. Fertility in this case is no exception. There are many things in a woman’s and man's lifestyle that can affect their fertility. This could include nutrition, weight, exercise, mental state, environment and medication. It can be very easy to fall into the group of people who increase the risk of being infertile through poor lifestyle choices. Here is some advice from an IVF clinic in Putney on how lifestyle choices affect fertility.


On Wednesday I did it, I went and got my nose pierced! I've been umming and ahhing over it since last year and to be fair I've been wanting it for much longer. It wasn't a decision I took lightly and it wasn't a spur of the moment decision. I made sure that I did a lot of research, especially on how to clean the area to prevent infection, different types of nose studs and rings etc as I wanted to be fully informed before going ahead with it.

In general I take awhile to make decisions like this as I don't want to do something that I end up regretting. The tattoos I have are a great example as I have always chosen something that means something to me and not just because it looks pretty. Once I know what I want I tend to wait months before getting it as I want to make sure I still like the idea before going ahead.

Fixing your Pelvic Floor With the Silk'n Tightra

It seems an unspoken understanding between all women that after giving birth your vagina is never the same again. I was reminded constantly from the hospital, midwife and health visitor after having Blake that I needed to do my pelvic floor exercises regularly. I was naughty and didn't do them as often as I should have done. 

This has meant that since having Blake I struggle with bladder weakness. So I have the joy's of leakage when coughing, sneezing and laughing and going on a trampoline is a no go. 

It may have been over 4 years since I've had Blake however it's not too late to try and improve my pelvic floor muscles thanks to the Silk'n Tightra device aimed at helping to  prevent incontinence and to tighten and firm the vaginal muscles.

I'm going to be trialling the Silk'n Tightra which aims to give noticeable results in only 4 -5 weeks. It's reccomend to use the device twice a week for 20 minutes for best results and  can be used both internally and externally. There are different energy modes so that you can use what's comfortable for you. 

How does the Silk'n Tightra work?

Silk’n Tightra uses Bi-Polar Radio Frequency technology to tone and tighten both the vaginal walls and the pelvic floor muscles. 

The technology works by renewing the skin inside the vagina, increasing blood flow and encouraging new Elastin and Collagen fibres to be created.

Shaped like a spatula, it contains 16 gold and chrome electrodes that have been specifically created for internal use.

Who Can Use Silk’n Tightra?

 The device is not suitable to be used if you are: 
Pregnant breastfeeding, have a metal internal birth control inserted or have any abnormal medical conditions or treated for one in the last 6 months. 

I'll  be sure to update you soon with how I get on. 

The Silk'n Tightra is available at Currentbody for £229 

* I've been gifted the Silk'n Tightra  in exchange for trialling and reviewing. However all thoughts and opinions expressed are our own.

Get Extra Voomp with MONAT Haircare

I've always had fine hair. Limp and lifeless hair has been something I have struggled with over the years, and I've found myself trying to find ways to add volume. Other than making sure i get my hair trimmed regularly, using the correct hair care products is important. As well as using the correct products it's also important you use them correctly. An example of this is using conditioner only on the ends of my hair to prevent weighing it down and causing greasiness.  

I've recently had a chance to try out a wonderful hair care range from a company called MONAT.  They sell a wide range of hair care products for all sorts of hair types and I got to try out the MONAT Volume System. 

The three step system enhances volume and invigorates your hair while adding fullness and manageability. The MONAT Revive Shampoo cleanses whilst volumizing adding body to fine and limp hair. The Revitalise Conditioner is a gentle formular that delivers moisture and vital ingredients to aid plumping and energiseses hair from root to tip. Last of all in the system is the Reshaper Root Lifter which is a root amplifying spray that creates long lasting high impact volume. It also protects hair from damage against heat styling and increases shine to your locks. MONAT says no to toxic ingredients, meaning I'm happy knowing that I'm using products that are safe.

My hair has definitely been feeling a lot thicker than previously, whilst using the range.  I've also been finding my hair has definitely been easir to manage as well. Some days I've been lucky to not have to use straighteners as my hair hasn't been as frizzy.

You can buy the set for £85 or you can purchase them individually. Shampoo (£30), conditioner (£45) and roof lifter ( £30). If you are blessed with hair that doesn't needed extra voomp than there are other sets available to suit your hair type.

MONAT also offer the chance to become a Market Partner, where you can actually sell the products and earn a percentage.You can get started for just £99 which includes your personal MONAT website, training & marketing materials and 35 samples that you can share, or keep to yourself, and a generous 30% off the retail prices of the products. This is an ideal opportunity for SAHM's like myself as hours are flexible and you can work right from your sofa.  

By taking up the opportunity to become a Market Partner MONAT offers product packs to get you started. This allows you the chance to try out some of the products you will be selling at up to 55% savings.

Breathe Magazine and Nature Journal

A few months ago I came across Breathe Magazine which was on its 11th issue and since then I have been buying the Magazine as a bi monthly treat to myself. Breathe is a mindfulness magazine filled with features for a calmer and more relaxed you. The magazine is an exceptional read for when you are making time for yourself as self care is so important. The magazine gives me a chance to escape for a little while whether reading relaxed in bed or on the beach or taking a moment when on a busy train. I took my copy on holiday recently for when I needed just a minute to myself.

Issue 13 of the Magazine is out now and I was excited when I was sent a copy and it landed on my mat. As usual the Magazine is packed with relatable and interesting features and the art work as beautiful as ever.  All 3 issues I've owned of Breathe magazine have been filled with such gorgeous images and  amazing content that has got me really thinking. In issue 13 some of my favourite features include:  How to leave the past behind, summer reads, Turn back the clock and Are you a kindrovert?

Breathe also do a teen breathe Magazine and other specials such as journals. I definitely have my eye on the list one and the summer special that has just come out today. 

Breathe also sent me their nature journal to help me to feel more connected to nature. I own quite a few journals and love that this one is different from the others that I own.
The nature journal is filled with ways to awaken your senses to the natural world. The journal covers all four seasons where you will find prompts and ideas for example your picnic menu, dream garden, flower art and ways to bring nature into your home plus loads more. It's a great way to slow down, take notice of your surroundings and enjoy being in the moment with nature. Like with Breathe Magazine the Nature Journal is filled with gorgeous images.

You are sure to get loads out of the Magazine (£5.99) and the Nature Journal (£7.99). I'll certainly be implementing a lot from what I have read and am looking forward to getting more into nature with Blake especially with the summer holidays fast approaching.

Medication: The stigma behind mental health

You look fine, you were ok yesterday, you don't need medication, just think positive and my all time favourite stop worrying. These are all comments I have heard in regards to mental health not just aimed at me but others too.

Yes mental health is being more talked about these days, although there is still a stigma surrounding it. Taking medication for mental health issues seems to have even more stigma attached. This is frustrating for someone such as myself who finds medication a helpful tool for maintaimg my mental health.

There are so many misconceptions about using medication to help you. I've been on and off antidepressants since 2009 after my Dad passed away and they have been a big help when I've felt I needed them.

Medication will turn you into a zombie 
People often believe that the medication will change your personality and won't be yourself  anymore. This is not true, when I am battling with depression and anxiety medication helps me to reduce the symptoms which in turn makes me feel more myself again. Like most medication there are side effects which vary person to person.There are also other brands of antidepressants to try if one doesn't work for you.

Medication is an easy fix
This is not true. You don't just pop a pill and your all happy again its just not how it works. Medication doesn't make you feel instantly happy it just helps you to feel less low and to motivate you to do other things that will help with your recovery. 

Medication means I've failed/am weak
There are people who try to make you feel better by saying why not try exercising more for example which leads to us feeling as if we aren't trying hard enough and taking medication is admitting defeat. This isn't the case at all in fact being strong enough to admit you need help and taking medication to help you feel better is a huge step and certainly not weak. 

I've gone through denial many times not wanting to admit when something is wrong. This has meant that in the past I didn't seek the help I needed which wasn't the right way to go. I wanted to struggle on my own but it wasn't healthy at all. Getting the help you need whether that is by taking medication, having threapy or some other way is a way of looking after yourself.

6 Ways to create a relaxing bedroom

After a long and busy day there is nothing better than climbing into bed and Just being able to relax. We sometimes forget that the bedroom isn't just for sleeping but relaxing and unwinding in the evening's before getting some much needed shut eye.

With this in mind I wanted to share with you some ways to make your bedroom more relaxing.

The Bed 
The bed is the most important item in the room and its essential that you have a bed that is right for you. This means not only a comfy matress but also the style of bed you have. Take our double bed, we decided to go for a ottoman bed so that we have more storage for our small home. If you have children who share a room than a bunk beds maybe a suitable option. 

Banish your electricals
Studies show that by not using screens before bed helps you to sleep better! So an hour before you hit the sack step away from the screens and relax doing something else such as reading a book.

Your linen
It’s time to ditch those old, worn sheets and duvet covers . Nothing beats slipping into soft, fresh and clean bedding. I also find I feel more relaxed and happy when I love my bedding.

I love to light a beautiful smelling candle in our room or use my diffuser with essential oils to create a calm and relaxing environment. I also like to occasionally use a pillow spary with lavender and chamomile.

Get rid of clutter
Clutter can make you feel stressed and so it's important to have a tidy and clutter free bedroom. This is something that Stuart and I need to really work on.

Adding a personal touch
Whether it's a favourite piece of art work on your wall or a personalised gift from a loved one for example. Adding a personal touch to your room with items you love is a must for a relaxing environment.

*In collaboration with Happy Beds

Win: Breathe Magazine Bundle

Breathe is a magazine I not long ago came across. Breathe is a mindfulness magazine for a more  calmer and relaxed you. They also do a teen addition and sell a range of fun journals.  I'm a huge fan of the magazine with its beautiful illustrations and informative articals encouraging mindfulness, creativity and looking after your own mental and physical wellbeing.

 Issue 13 of the magazine is out now and I'm looking forward to some me time  so I  can enjoy my copy. I've also got the nature journal to get started on although am very tempted by the others too.

I was recently given the oppertunity to collaborate with Breathe and I'm excited to give my readers a chance to win an amazing bundle of goodies. The bundle of goodies that one person will win is worth over £50!

The Bundle contains:
Breathe Creative Journal 
Breathe List Journal
 Breathe Nature Journal 
Teen Breathe List Journal 
Breathe Issue 12 
Breathe Issue 11 
Breathe Issue 9 
Teen Breathe Issue 5 

All you have to do to enter is complete the rafflecopter below terms and conditions apply.

Terms and conditions
-To enter you must be 16 and over 
- This competition will close on 18th June  2018 at 12.00am GMT 
- The winner will be chosen at random and notified via email, twitter or facebook
- If the winner doesn't reply within 30 days another winner will be drawn
- The prize will be sent from GMC Publications Ltd
-Please have a look at my privacy policy on how how I collect, store and use data and please do contact me if you have any questions. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sharp XL-B715D All in One Hi Fi System

I love listening to music, especially whilst doing the house work and having a good sing a long to make it more fun.  I've been lucky enough recently to receive  the Sharp XL-B715D  All in One Hi Fi System from AO.

Delivery was quick and I was eager to get it out of the box and find a space in our living room. The hi fi system arrived  just in time for half term and so was the perfect time for testing it out.

If you are like me, than when it comes to electrical items you like to go for brands that you know you can trust to be high quality and Sharp is definitely one of those brands. 

When it comes to electronics around our home I like to go for sleek and compact designs as we have limited space. The Sharp XL-B715D  All in One Hi Fi System is just that and more. 

Being light weight and compact means that the system can be moved around easily. As its all in one you won't have to mess around with sorting out speakers and its easy to set up.

The Sharp XL-B715D  All in One Hi Fi System is a great system for us as it meets all our needs. Not only is the hi fi aesthetically pleasing with its white and stainless  steel design but has many great features too.

First of all we can browse thousands of stations on the DAB+ tuner to find new favourites. We can also play old classics thanks to the CD player and on top of that we can stream our favourite songs from spotify thanks to it being Bluetooth enabled.

On first glance you wouldn't expect this system to have all the features it does. At 36.7 cm wide it's the ideal size for small spaces. The LCD display is great size and easily readable too.

With 90 watts of audio power the Sharp XL-B715D  All in One Hi Fi System produces a clear and crisp sound. The hi fi system is easy to use and flick between using radio, the CD player and streaming via Bluetooth. 

The hi fi even includes a remote for easy use. The remote is ideal so you don't have to get up or if you are busy doing other things can easily control the hi fi whether that's changing the song you are listening to or turning up the volume of your favourite tune.

The Sharp XL-B715D  All in One Hi Fi System also comes in Black with stainless steel as well as the white. At £149 it's a great price considering the quality and features of the hi fi system.

The system is a handy addition to our home and will hopefully encourage us to listen to more music on a daily basis. 

*In collaboration with

I'm not attention seeking

Even though I've written a few posts now on mental health I still find it extremely hard to talk about. It's always encouraged by mental health professionals that talking about it is a good thing. However there is that worry of being seen as attention seeking by people who have never experienced mental health issues and just don't understand. 

Because of that a lot of people including myself feel like we are being a burden and end up pushing our loved ones away. This means I find it hard to ask for help when I need to.

Yesterday I went to see my GP as I have found things have been getting too much for me mental health wise recently. I've got into unhealthy habits of over eating and not being able to sleep. My anxiety has been sky high causing me to feel sweaty and panicky. Depression has left me with moments tearfulness, amongst other things. On top of this I'm not sleeping well and during the day I feel so physically exhausted. 

Yes it was hard for me to open up about how I am feeling, however I'm so glad that I have. Now I've had changes to my medication and have been given sleeping tablets to help me out too. Hopefully this will have a positive affect.

Talking about mental health is good for many reasons:

- You can get the help and support you need
- Reduces stigma 
- Raises awareness
- Saves lives. 

So when I share on my blog about mental health I'm not attention seeking and its certainly not a weakness. I want to be open and honest so that if someone reading my posts are feeling the way I do that opening up is not attention seeking and no matter how hard it is seeking help is such an important thing to do. 

Summer wishlist with Spartoo

I'm so excited for the summer especially with going on holiday in June. I'm hoping that the week we have away will be filled with sunshine. With this in mind I've compiled a wishlist of a few summer fashion items from Spartoo.
All the items I have picked are from the women's section however they also cater for men and children with a wide selection of clothing and accessories.

Vero Mods | £25.99
 Maxi dresses are my favourite thing to wear during the summer months. The dress above is very similar to maxi dress I already own but not as bright. I tend to find navy suits me well and I adore the floral print.

The maxi dress below is different from any maxi dress I've had and I really love its bright colours. I think this dress is the perfect summer look with not only the bright colours but the wrap style bust area looks flattering.

Desigual £65.99

Having a great bag to carry things around during the summer is ideal.  I love the look of the casual Superdry beach bag for lazy days on the beach. It's a great size for fitting in all your beach essentials.

The Guess Trudy Satchuel is fashionable and practical bag for daily use and looks great when you are dressed up or down. It comes in 5 different colours too so that you can choose one that suits your taste.
Superdry £34.39
Guess Trudy Satchel  £135

I love to have a good selection of comfortable shoes during the summer. Even though I rarely wear heels these stunning colbalt blue Moony mood sandles have made it to my wishlist. They would go perfectly with the Desigual maxi dress.

The second pair of shoes are these stunning Ralph Lauren ones. Admittedly they cost more than I ususlly spend on a pair of sandles however they remind me of a similar pair I own which are so comfy and go with everything.

Moony Moon £17.59

Ralph Lauren £71.99

What are your summer fashion essentials? Have you ever purchased anything from Spartoo? 

Organic Shop Hair Care range

Recently I've been starting at looking at ways I can be more eco friendly.  So when I was given the chance to try out a new hair care brand whose products are organic I jumped at the chance.

Organic Shop sent me three hair care products a shampoo, a conditioner and a hair mask and I got to choose which range was best for me. I went for the pomegranate and patchouli.

Organic Shop have taken natural beauty recipes and given them a modern twist, to give you products with natural ingredients.  Plus they are affordable so that that they are readily available for everyone. 

All of their products contain 98% naturally sourced ingredients and are 100% cruelty free. In fact they even insist that their suppliers are too.

The pomegranate and patchouli shampoo, conditioner and hair mask all are bursting with essential oils to give your hair an invigorating boost. Organic pomegranate leaves hair looking sleek and shiny while patchouli oil gives a hydration boost making hair silky soft.

Organic Shop launched their new hair care range in Tesco and you can also buy the range online at £2.50 each. I'll certainly be trying out the other scents available the honey and avocado sounds right up my street.

Finance For Freedom ( The course)

Recently I was given the oppertunity by the lovely financial coach Eileen Adamson from your money sorted to do her 28 day Finance For Freedom course.

The course is £399 however I was given access to the course at no cost so I could share with you my readers insight in what the course is about and how I got on etc. 

On the course you will learn about your habits, personality and attitudes towards money and the impact that these can have on your spending. This will help to transform the way you think about and manage money, and consequently help you to save money and manage your money more effectively now and in the future. Did you know that Brits admit that they won't be able to pay off Christmas debt until April?

At the beginning of the course there is the pre-start and introduction, this is where you are given advice on sorting out your paperwork first, how the course works and the workbook which you can download to either use electronicly or to print off. 

Module one is all about thinking how your attitude with money affects your finances, changing your beliefs in regards to money, a money habitials quiz,and more. It's a great way to look at what you want from the course as well as knowing more about your spending habits. There is even a video to help you come up with your own outcome statement. 

Module two is about building an action plan, making goals and possible steps you can take. When it comes to making your own goals its important to make sure that they are SMART. ( specific, measurable, achieveable, realistic and timely). 

The advice in these two modules have really got me thinking about things I can change.  

Module three is where you start to look at different ways you can increase your income. 

You start to look at your needs vs your wants, find out about different ways you  can increase your income, benefits and minimising your money. Some examples of increasing money are mentioned in the screen shot below however there are many more ideas within the course. 

I loved the value for money section as it really got me thinking  before I buy the cost per use as well as the other ideas mentioned such as comparing prices.

Module four is all about different ways you can decrease your expenditure. 

Eileen helps you out with many ideas on how to reduce costs in different areas such as spending on food,  everyday costs, household expenses and more. 

She even helps you with advice on credit ratings, learning about debt and advice on how to pay off debt for example the snowball method. 

I must admit the debt section for me was a learning curve as I've never actually taken out a loan, credit card or found myself in debt although I know a few people that have and the advice is invaluable. 

Module five is all about learning and experiencing different methods of managing your money and learn about how to prepare for life's expected and unexpected events. 

There are many great sections in this module such as having a spending plan, the envelope system,  tracking your money , methods of managing money, having  an emergency fund plus more. 

I've found some great information in this module and the envelope system is something I'm planning on giving ago along with tracking my money. I'm also planning on building up my emergency fund with the ideas mentioned within this module. 

Module six is all about future proofing your finances in regards to saving, borrowing, investments, random thoughts and how to sustain change. Below is a screen shot of some of the ideas that didn't  fit well in other areas of the course such as insurance and entertaining children. 

Last of all Module seven is all about looking back at what you have learnt throughout the course. From what you have achieved, revisiting your goals and where you can find the handy Facebook group to help you keep on track along with other ideas for saving money.  

The course is really invaluable and I want to thank Eileen for giving me the chance to complete  and share this course with you. 

If you haven't read her blog yet I'd definitely check it out. For now I'll leave you with 6 reasons why you should join the finance for freedom course.